Selsey Pavilion Archives: 1920-1929
SELSEY. The Selsey branch of the Women's Unionist Association is being restarted and a most enjoyable meeting was held at The Pavilion on Wednesday last week. Miss Howieson came down from London to address the meeting on " Why I am a Conservative." Tea provided by the branch committee, and a varied musical programme was was much enjoyed. Several new members were enrolled. At the Monthly meeting of the Women's Institute, Miss Farwell, of Bury gave a talk upon Tennyson's "The Idylls of the King." Miss Farwell is a charming speaker with a most lucid style. Next followed a hairdressing demonstration by Mrs. Paine, of Worthing. which caused great interest and amusement. A welcome was extended to visitors from other institutes during the afternoon. After tea, provided by the tea committee and their helpers, prizes were given to Mrs. H. Woodland for lemon cheese and to Miss P. Johnson for raffia work. Musical items, arranged by Mrs Potts, consisted of glees, group songs, etc., by members of the Institute; also a pianoforte solo was given by Miss Denman.