Selsey Pavilion Archives: 1930-1939
UNITED METHODIST CHURCH.— A giant snowball effort was held in the Pavilion on Wednesday evening in aid of the Church Funds. The Rev. T. L. Rogers, of Chichester, acted as Chairman, whilst Mrs. Rogers opened the proceedings. There was an excellent attendance. The stall-holders were :— Fancy Stall, Mrs. S. Terry, Mrs. H. Woodland, Mrs. Fletcher and Miss Smart; Jumble Stall, Mrs. Martin, Mrs. Finnemore and Mrs. Johnson; Men's Stall, Misses Parlour; Sweet Stall, Miss Cowell; Refreshment Stall, Mrs. Harman, Mrs. Head, Miss Steadford, Mrs. Hall, Miss Richards and Miss Carpenter; Bran Tub, Mrs. A. Terry. The Snowball was arranged and operated by Mrs. Fletcher, Miss Jones, Miss Godley and Miss Woodland. There was an excellent concert, the artistes being Mears. R. Smith, R. Gardner, W. Long, L. Legg, E. Withers, H. Coombes, A. Homer, D. Faulkner and Miss Rogers, while Mr. J. A. Fletcher ably acted as accompanist.