Charity Concert – Chichester Observer – Wednesday, 23 August 1916

A SELSEY CONCERT. IN AID OF THE ROYAL WEST SUSSEX HOSPITAL. SIR ARCHIBALD HAMILTON’S SUCCESSFUL EFFORT. Of the many efforts made on behalf of the good cause of charity with which the name of Sir Archibald Hamilton. Bart., has been associated none perhaps is more highly appreciated than the concert, now becoming an annual institution at Selsey, which he organizes in aid of the funds of the Royal West Sussex Hospital. Nothing could have been a greater success, both from the entertainment and a financial standpoint, than the concert arranged for this purpose at the Cinema Hall on Wednesday evening. The building was absolutely crowded, and the programme presented was of such a popular character that there is demand for an encore at almost every single item. With characteristic generosity, Sir Archibald undertook to pay the whole of the expenses of the concert, and thus the total receipts, without any deduction whatever, were available for the hospital. When it is stated that a sum of ,£55 was realized, the financial success achieved needs no further comment —the amount speaks for itself. Sir Archibald, who is so well-known as the Honorary Recruiting Officer for Selsey and District, and Lieutenant of the National Reserve, may well be congratulated upon his latest triumph in the cause of charity. The concert was under distinguished patronage, and the programme included the names of some famous artistes, in addition to local performers of high reputation. First and foremost must be mentioned the name Miss Gladys Marsden, who has been staying at Selsey, and who very kindly consented to give her services. She gave a series of "Imitations" (including Miss Florence Levi, Mr. J. P. Huntley and Miss Eva Green), and also sung couple of songs, and her reception was most enthusiastic. It is interesting to recall the fact that the last time she was in the neighbourhood of Chichester she was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Willie James, being one the royal house party entertained at West Dean Park. On that occasion she had the honour of performing before the King and Queen. Another special artiste was Mr. Denis Terry;, who recited ‘‘The Relief of Lucknow,” in a style which "brought down the house." He is the son of Mr. Fred Terry and, Miss. Julia Neilson and is gallant young officer, home from the front, where he has been mentioned in dispatches. He is the only officer on the active list who has been permitted to act with his aunt. Miss Ellen Terry, for the benefit of charity. A popular feature of the programme was provided by Miss lanthe Heron-Allen and Miss Betty Rutter, whose graceful dances, ‘‘The Piper and the Breeze” and the “Wild Dance," delighted everybody. Miss Rutter also very cleverly danced the“ Horn Pipe,”, and Miss lanthe Heron-Allen, too, appeared alone in a pretty dance called “Down South.” Violin solos were beautifully executed by Mrs. Harold Fuller and Miss Veronica Gotch, and songs were well sung by the following. Miss Lilian Powell. Mr. Charles Hersee (humorous), the Rev. K. H. MacDermott, A.R.C.M (“Toreador’s Song,” and “Fan Fibzger’l, Alicia Needham), Mrs. Simpson, Captain J. B. Harrison (“Drake goes West" and ‘‘Sergeant of the Line' ’), Mrs. Barford, Miss May Doris, and Mrs. Baker. Overtures were given by the “L.S.D.’s,” and the duties of accompanist were most efficiently carried out by Miss Smith. During the evening Sir Archibald Hamilton introduced Major H. Jellicorse, the Vice-Chairman of the Board of Management of the Royal West Sussex Hospital, and at the same time took the opportunity of thanking all those who had been instrumental in helping to organize the concert, and the artistes who had performed. Major Jellicorse alluded to the efficient work of the hospital, and, referring to the fact that last year their income exceeded their expenditure, and left them with a substantial ba!ance in hand, he said they did not want to get slack, in consequence, but rather it should serve as a greater reason for keeping the hospital in a sound financial position. Mr. E. Heron-Allen proposed a vote of thanks to Sir Archibald for taking such an interest in the organization of the concert, and this was carried with acclamation.

Last updated: Oct 12, 2023

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