Film Preview – Bognor Regis Observer – Saturday, 03 October 1953

PAVILION, SELSEY. SET in the swamps of Georgia, "THE LURE OF THE WILDERNESS" (Sunday and Monday) is a drama starring Jeffrey Hunter and Jean Peters. The plot concerns the efforts of a young villager to establish the innocence of an old trapper and his daughter who are hiding from the law in the swamps. Apart from an interesting plot, the Technicolor photography is excellent and there is a thrill of encounters with a snake, a panther, and a bear. There is both comedy and drama in the collection of O. Henry's short stories in "FULL HOUSE" (Tuesday and Wednesday). Charles Laughton, Ann Baxter and Richard Widmark head the cast. The stories are "The Cop and the Anthem," "The Clarion Call," "The Last Leaf," "The Ransom of Red Chief," and "The Gift of the Magi." A colourful battle between U.S. Cavalrymen and Red Indians forms part of the Technicolor Western, "BUGLES IN THE AFTERNOON," starring Ray Milland and Helena Carter. The story focuses on a U.S. Cavalry officer who is unjustly robbed of his captaincy. He joins another regiment only to find that the officer who had wronged him has changed his regiments similarly.

Last updated: Oct 13, 2023

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