Selsey Peace Celebrations-Chichester Observer-Wednesday 23 July 1919

SELSEY PEACE CELEBRATIONS. Selsey rose to the occasion as usual in the matter of Peace Celebrations. The village was crowded out with visitors, some of whom found much difficulty in getting rooms. Almost every house contributed its share to the decorations, and where flags were at a discount, other things were used – anything in the nature of brightly coloured paper or material. In one window was seen a gaily coloured patchwork quilt and another house, not to be left behind, hung out large coloured handkerchiefs. Decorated motor cars and bicycles were a feature of the day. One worthy mention belonged to Miss Phyllis Johnson. Children turned out dressed entirely in flags, and those worthy of mention were the Coastguardsmen’s children and Miss Jessie Maidment. After a short service in the Church, sports were started in the meadow, kindly lent by Mr. Wakeley. There were the races—potato, sack, wheel-barrow, needle and thread race, skipping rope and veterans’ races for men and women over seventy years of age. This last race caused much amusement, as the prize offered was a bottle of whisky. One man, before his entry for the race, promised a number of his friends “a wee drop o' whisky,” till one wondered how many drops a bottle contained. A good number of people sat down to an enjoyable tea in the barn, and afterwards visited the Cinema where a concert was given. Later in the evening the Charlton Company visited the Marine Hotel with an impromptu jazz band, the “instruments” consisting of baths, pots and kettles, and created some of the greatest excitement of the day. People walked about in paper hats, letting off fireworks, singing and shouting, and thoroughly enjoyed themselves in spite of the heavy rain which was falling. The proceedings concluded with a bonfire on the beach.

Last updated: Mar 06, 2024

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