Film Preview - Bognor Regis Observer – Friday, 11 June 1954

PAVILION, SELSEY. "WAR OF THE WORLDS," a Technicolor production, follows closely the text of the novel by H.G. Wells. Two newcomers— Ann Robinson and Gene Barry—take the principal roles. The film tells of the invasion of Earth by men from Mars. The invader is a huge meteor which is merely the transport for three Martian war machines rising to a height of thirty feet. From the underside of the machine a deadly heft wave pours its power upon humans, buildings and whatever objects appear within its range, immediately reducing them to ashes. The army is called in an effort to battle with this new, mysterious enemy but their defence is powerless. By now word has come through that similar machines are appearing in other parts of the country as well as destroying cities throughout the world . . . Yvonne de Carlo, Edmond O'Brien, Barry Fitzgerald and Richard Arlen star in the Technicolor Western, "HIGH VERMILLION." Errol Flynn stars in the Technicolor adventure, "AGAINST ALL FLAGS." He portrays a merchant navy officer, Brian Hawke, who suffers a flogging and nine days in an open boat so that pirates will be convinced he and his companions are deserters. His secret mission is to penetrate the pirate stronghold in Madagascar. He has many encounters with " Spitfire" Stevens, a temperamental female pirate portrayed by Maureen O'Hara. In "FRANCIS GOES TO WEST POINT," Peter Stirling (Donald O'Connor) and his friend Francis, the talking mule, save an atomic plant from destruction by saboteurs. Peter is rewarded by a scholarship to West Point Military Academy where Francis is again useful in providing the inside information that only a talking mule can provide.

Last updated: Dec 07, 2023

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