Recruiting Address – Chichester Observer – Wednesday, 21 October 1914

Recruiting Meeting. On Thursday the third and most successful meeting to promote recruiting was held at the Cinema Hall at the instigation of Captain Stephen and Mr Archibald Hamilton Hon. Recruiting Officer for Selsey and District. An excellent variety of entertainment took place and was followed by two excellent speeches delivered by Recruiting Meeting. Colonel Johnstone Officer Commanding 9th Hants and Lieut. Gibson. Colonel Johnstone, who at Mr Hamilton's invitation kindly consented to address the meeting, is regarded in high esteem at the War Office and inaugurated the 9th Batt Cycle Corps himself. He is well known as one of the greatest experts on military history of our time and has often been asked to lecture at the Imperial Institute, Whitehall. Lieutenant Gibson is well-known to Selsey men and his stirring adventures at Mons were listened to with thrilled interest. Both addresses were enthusiastically received. Captain Stephen made a most telling and felicitous speech in introducing Colonel Johnstone. and Mr. Archibald Hamilton, in dignified and most impressive language, in proposing vote of thanks to Colonel Johnstone and Lieut. Gibson, alluded to the heart breaking experiences of several men, not only in Selsey, but in the surrounding district, who had been only too anxious to serve their King and country, but owing to ill-health were rejected. Surely their names competitors might be added to the already lengthy and weighty list of the Roll Calls of Honour and he felt that he was voicing the feelings of many present in holding a brief for these unfortunate ones. Mr. Heron Allen, Scout Commissioner, made a speech to promote recruiting for the Boy Scouts, and justly remarked that they were doing men's work. At his instigation Sir Robert Baden Powell and headquarters have conferred upon Mr. Hamilton the Scout Order of which Mr. Hamilton is justly proud, as it is so rarely bestowed. As regards the audience, the Cinema Hall was packed to overflowing. Among those present was Mrs. Arthur Sevita, who has recently purchased Church Norton Priory (a niece of the late Duke of Fife) and accompanying her were her mother. Lady Agnes Cooper, her two sisters, and the beautiful Miss Felicity Beerbohm Tree, youngest daughter of the great actor, Sir Herbert Beerbohm Tree. Others present were the Rector and Mrs. Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Heron Allen, Captain and Mrs. Stephen, Dr. and Mrs. Barford. Mr. and Mrs. John Lewis, Mrs. Ford Madox Hunt, Miss Violet Hunt, Mrs. Leith, and most of the officers under Colonel Johnstone’s command. Dr. Humphrys, Mr. Ellis, Mr. Harold Gilbert, Mr. William Bonnar, and Mr. Ray kindly assisted in the programme.

Last updated: Oct 12, 2023

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