Film Listings – Bognor Regis Observer – Friday, 22 February 1957

PAVILION, SELSEY. MAUREEN O'HARA and Jeff Chandler star in "WAR ARROW," a film which deals with a rising by Kiowa Indians in Texas and the subsequent peril of a nearby fort. Anne Baxter, Rock Hudson, and Julie Adams appear in "ONE DESIRE," the story of an oil boom town in Oklahoma in the early 20th Century. It is the story of an ambitious young man determined to make a fortune. He succeeds, and marries the daughter of a wealthy banker. Although the future seems bright there is a disaster on the horizon which is destined to change their lives completely. In one of the outstanding performances of his career, John Gregson brings penetrating pathos and a touch of whimsy to "JACQUELINE" a harsh, yet at times tender, drama of a man-of-the-soil, wasting away in a big city. "Jacqueline" is the story of a young daughter who is determined that her father will become in reality what he is to her in her dreams and nothing will stop her from making this so. It is also the story of a patient wife, standing by a husband whom the neighbours condemn as a drunkard and a wastrel. "REACH FOR THE SKY." the much-praised film based on Paul Brickhill's book, is the remarkable story of the famous legless pilot, Commander Douglas Bader, who was stationed at Tangmere R.A.F. Station during the war and was often seen in the district. Kenneth More is wonderfully cast in the leading role, in which he is supported by Muriel Pavlow as Thelma Bader, Lyndon Brook, Lee Patterson. and Alexander Knox. For Douglas Bader life is a challenge, and above all else he excels as a flyer. Within weeks of his arrival at Cranwell he earns an accolade and soon after he demonstrates his skill at Hendon Air Display. When he crashes at the Reading Aero Club in 1931 after being challenged to give a show, doctors expect him to die, but his determination to live remains, although he loses both legs. Fitted with artificial legs, with ferocious tenacity he learns to walk again and then to fly again, but disappointment comes when he is grounded because regulations do not provide for a man without legs. War changes that, however, and quickly winning promotion, Bader creates crack fighting units to blaze through the Battle of Britain. Over France he collides with an enemy fighter, bales out and is taken prisoner, but escapes, only to be recaptured and sent to Colditz.

Last updated: Nov 01, 2023

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