Selsey Pavilion Archives: 1930-1939
SELSEY. BRITISH LEGION. The monthly meeting took place at the Pavilion, on Monday. Mr. F. Simpson, the Vice-Chairman, presiding over a very good attendance, it was decided to hold the annual meeting on Thursday, February, 19 next. WOMEN'S INSTITUTE.—the annual general meeting took place on Wednesday in the Pavilion, Miss Hillman presiding. The following were elected officers and committee:—President, Miss A. Hillman; Vice-Presidents, Mrs. Lamb and Mrs A. Sayers; Committee, Mesdames Maidment, White, Bailey, Beaty, E. Johnson, Madgwick, Wood and Miss Marshall. The monthly competitions. which were judged by Mrs. Moore, were for the best jar of mince meat and the best mince pie. Both were won by Mrs. Lamb, who declined to take more than one prize Mrs. Vince was therefore awarded the prize for the mincepies. A vote of thanks to Miss Hillman for her excellent services as President during the past year, was carried with acclamation. Mrs. Levin the retiring secretary, reported a membership of 178. She also stated the savings of members in the Thrift Club amounted to £160. Mrs. Sayers (Treasurer) reported that the funds showed a balance of £28 4s. 9d in hand. Mrs. Frank Terry was presented with a bread board and knife as a wedding prevent from the Women's Institute. After tea Christmas Carols were sung by the members on a community singing basis, the accompaniment being played by Mrs. Shackle. CHRISTMAS SOCIAL.—The annual Christmas Social of the Selsey Women's Institute was held on Tuesday evening at the Pavilion, when about 300 members and their friends were present.—The first half of the programme was arranged as a variety concert, with an interval for refreshments, followed by dancing.—Miss Hillman, the President. welcomed the members and their friends, and was presented with a bouquet on behalf of the members by Mrs. Johnson. The variety entertainment was as follows: Concerted number " Uncle Joe," Misses E Hunt, V. Slater, O. Chapman, J. Langford, Mrs. R. Langford. Miss Jones. and Miss C. Lamb as " Uncle Joe." This caused much merriment. A play. "The White Lady of the Mistletoe," followed, by the Study Circle of the Women's Institute, presented by Miss M. Marshall, the performers being Mrs. Maidment, Mrs. Godel, Mrs. E. Homer, Mrs. Beaty. Mrs. L. Homer. Mrs. Knight, Misses Harris, Hunt, Halsted, Rawlinson, K. Maidment and Mrs. Haines. The acting was very good, the outstanding feature being the Morris dancing by Misses K. Maidment and Rawlinson. A character song, "A Song of Japan." by Misses J. Langford and V. Slater, followed and was welI received. the dresses and stage effects being very pretty. Mr. R. Woodford's Concert Party followed, the items being received with much applause and encored. These comprised: Opening chorus Miss J. Maidment and party; songs. Mr. R. Woodford; character songs Miss C. Lamb (comedienne); songs, Miss W. Sluman (soprano) and Miss. J. Maidment. After the interval, during which members of the Committee as helpers served refreshments, dancing was indulged in to music supplied by W. R. Woodford.