Selsey Pavilion Archives: 1940-1949
PAVILION, SELSEY. How to marry a millionaire in six not-so-easy lessons is demonstrated by Deanna Durbin in her latest picture "SOMETHING IN THE WIND," presented on Monday for three days. Deanna plays the part of a radio record announcer and, because she is mistaken for her aunt, whose namesake she is, becomes involved with a millionaire's family over marital matters. James Mason's role in "THE UPTURNED GLASS "—completing the week's films— is that of a celebrated surgeon who kills the woman who has caused the death of a girl he loved. Pamela Kellino portrays his victim, while Rosamund John is the tragic woman whose sincere but passing friendship with him is exaggerated into a momentous love affair by her intriguing, evil sister-in-law.