Women's Institute Meeting – Hampshire Telegraph – Friday, 01 August 1930

WOMEN'S INSTITUTE.—The meeting due to be held on the first Wednesday in August was put back a week (owing to the Crablands Fete) and was held on Wednesday, July 30. The members had been invited by Mrs. E. Ponder to hold their meeting in the beautiful grounds of the Malt House, but the heavy rain made this impossible. and it was held in the pavilion, Mrs. E. Ponder kindly arranging to supply the tea. After the usual business a very interesting lecture on the life of Queen Victoria was given by Miss M. Marshall, at the termination of which a vote of thanks was given to the lecturer. Silver spoons were presented by the Institute to the twin daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Winten (Mr. Winten being one of the local members of the West Sussex Constabulary). A guessing competition was arranged by Mrs. E. Ponder who also kindly give the prizes. The prize-winners were:—Miss C. Lamb, Mrs. Chambers Jun., Miss Humphry and Miss C. Jeffs. A Patching and darning competition was won by the following: Patching—Mrs. Lamb and Mrs. Maidment. Darning—Mrs. Maidment. After tea the members of the Study Circle performed a play, under the following being the artistes: Misses Halsted and Harris. Mesdames Maidment, Haynes, Homer and Beattie. The meeting concluded with hearty thanks to Mrs. E. Ponder for her hospitality.

Last updated: Oct 13, 2023

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