Theatre Plays – Hampshire Telegraph – Friday, 04 December 1936

AMATEUR PLAYERS.—The recently formed Selsey Amateur Dramatic Club made their debut at the Pavilion on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings, when they presented four short plays, which were very well performed. The first piece presented was a play in one act, " Waiting for the Bus." and proved very humorous. The performers were Mrs. E. Stratton. Misses B. Thompson, M. Warmsley. C. Lamb, V. Honeywood. M. Mitchell, E. Peacock, J. Francis, and S. Owens, Mrs. Moore, and Messrs. G. A. Ball and F. W. Owens. The second piece was "The Bathroom Door," a farce in one act, which caused much amusement. The performers were Misses H. Smart, P. Halsted, and M. Phillip, Messrs. C. L. Williams. E. A. Swindells, and J. Bunn. The third piece was "A Wireless Interlude—lncluding Atmospherics," and with local references proved very entertaining. The cast was Mrs. Reid-Jamieson, Mrs. Rhoades, Miss J. Maidment, and Messrs. R. Stratton, R. Gibbons, E. A. Swindells, E. A. Williams. and J. Bunn. The fourth and final piece was an episode in one act, " The House with the Twisty Windows." This was excellently performed, the players being Mrs. Moore. Mrs. Dew, Miss M. Smart. Lieut.-Col. W. G. Moore, Messrs. E. A. Williams. C. L. Williams. and F. W. Owens. Dr. M. Pearson and Mr. C. L. Williams capably acted as stage managers, whilst Messrs. A. Sayers and L. Clough arranged the lighting effects.

Last updated: Oct 30, 2023

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