Football Club Concert – Chichester Observer – Wednesday, 22 December 1920

Football Club Concert. Many people who come to Selsey in the summer for rest and quietness regard it as a place of entire repose; if they came at this time of the year they would find it far otherwise. Dances, entertainments, whist drives, football etc. are the order of the day, and the village is kept quite lively. An item in this round of excellent amusement was the concert held by the Football Club in Selsey Pavilion on Thursday 11th, when many old favourite performers and a few new ones took part in the well arranged programme. Of the former Mr. J. Wilkins, Chichester Cathedral in “Myrron,” Mr. Arthur Mant the inimitable Sussex yokel, Mr. Greville- Williams, the returned Tommy telling "What I have been fighting for", Mrs Greville-Williams, the delightful soprano and her sister, Mrs. Simpson, in her clever self-accompanied humorous songs all received their well-deserved praise. Among the artistes less known to Selsey were Mr. Glynn Martin, of Bosham fame, in his capital personification of the London coster. Miss Horner who sang “Love the Pedlar" sweetly, Mr. Wrigglesworth, in an extract from "Pagliacci", and Mr. Fred Maguire whose well trained voice was much appreciated. Mr. Chrippes "Shipmate o' Mine,” and Mr. Cleare, of the Selsey Pavilion, also rendered good singing and playing .The proceeds of the concert were for the Selsey Football Club, and the takings, including nearly £5. collected from the hall during the interval, amounted to over £27 10s. Dr. Humphrys Chairman of the Club, returned thanks to all who assisted at the concert, organized by Mr. R. Radford Hon. Secretary, Mr. J. Mitchell, Hon. Treasurer and members of the Committee.

Last updated: Oct 31, 2023

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