Carnival and Dance – Portsmouth Evening News – Thursday, 23 August 1923

SELSEY CARNIVAL REVIVED. First One Since the War. It proves quite a success. The first Carnival held in since the war took place on Wednesday evening, and proved a most successful event. Although the earlier part of the day was stormy, the weather became quite favourable in the evening, and the place was alive with the commotion and pleasure which such an event should awaken. The arrangements were in the hands of same Committee who brought the sports and regatta to such a successful issue and they are deserving the fullest credit for having managed holiday events well. Many of the houses in the resort were gaily decorated. Prizes were offered for the best effort in this respect, the premier place being awarded to the residence of Mrs. Keep, in Clayton Road. The entries in the various classes which formed the Carnival Procession numbered about 100, and they constituted decidedly picturesque assembly as they gathered in Station Road for the judging. The judges were Dr. A. A. Humphrys, and Messrs. Cox, J. Fisher. J. Mitchell, and F. S. Potter. Decorated cars, vans, prams, cycles, equestrians in costume, and pedestrians of all ages in all sorts of characters, made up an attractive and novel display. First honours went to the following:— Decorated cars. Miss Bartholomew; mounted class, Mrs. Buxton Knight (John Bull); vans and lorries. Mr. Sherrington; ladies’ class, Mrs. Owens (Mermaid); gentlemen’s class. Mr. Murphy (Neptune); girls under 12-. Miss B. Smith (Indian); boys under 12, Master Hunter (Charlie Chaplin); prams and cycles, Miss Bird. The Band of the Depot Royal Sussex Regiment was in attendance, and there were scenes of much merriment during the procession through the streets, which terminated at the Pavilion, where Mrs G. Walker gave away the prizes. It should not omitted that Mrs. Owens, in her costume a Mermaid, received the special prize offered for the best dress in the Carnival. A very jolly dance was subsequently held at the Pavilion. Some 270 persons attended, and dancing was kept up with spirit till about three o'clock in the morning.

Last updated: Nov 01, 2023

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