Whist Drive – Hampshire Telegraph – Friday, 23 April 1926

SELSEY. WHIST DRIVE. -- A colossal whist drive was held at the Pavilion on the 14th inst., having been organised by the adult members of St. Peters Church Choir, in aid of the debt on the Church Hall (which is approximately £400). The prizes were presented by Mesdames Ponder, Thorn, Hocking. Warren, Hartley, Levin, Adamson, Charge, Godsland, and E. Gardner, Misses Lloyd and Ellaby, Messrs. Child, Langford, Sayers, Turtle, Maidment, Ellis, and Captain Mathew. Refreshments were served at half-time. These were generously supplied and served by members of the Selsey Women's Institute. Prior to the commencement of the second half, the Right Rev. Bishop T. C. Twitchell addressed the players, thanking them for their attendance in such numbers, also the donors of prizes for their generosity, the members of the choir and Mr. P. W. Phipps for arranging the whist drive; and, last but not least, those ladies of the Women's Institute who so kindly gave their services, etc., to the catering. The predominance of ladies over gentlemen caused the M.C.'s to arrange two sets of prizes, white score cards., ladies only, red score cards, ladies and, gentlemen. The prize-winners were:. - White cards: Mrs. Napper, Miss Harris, Mrs. Padwick, and Miss Jenman; highest half, Mrs. Barford and Mrs. Owens; sealed number, Miss Dyke; travelling prizes, Mrs. Duff and Mrs. L. Clayton; colossal prize. Mrs. Deighton. Red cards: Messrs. Worthington, Chisholm, and Fisher and Miss Ellaby; highest half, Miss Hunnisett and Mr. Barnes: sealed number, Miss Outram; travelling prize, Mrs. Morris and Mr. R. Hunnisett; colossal prize, Mrs. Morris. Fortunately, in this class neither of the two prizes, which were pipes, was won by ladies. The prizes were presented by Mrs. E. Hocking. The M.C.'s were Mr. C. E. Vince, Mr. H. Dawes, and Major R. J. Lamb. The total amount realised was approximately £20.

Last updated: Oct 31, 2023

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