Dance & W.I. Meeting – Chichester Observer – Wednesday, 10 September 1930

A pyjama dance was held in the Pavilion on Friday night and because of its originality it created quite a lot of interest. Mr. Phipps was the organiser. The Women's Institute held their monthly meeting in the Pavilion on September 3rd. The members listened with great interest Mrs. Robert's account of how she first came to make her wonderful rugs and of all the difficulties that she had had to encounter. She showed them some most beautiful specimens of her work, and gave much useful information about making and finishing-off the rugs. Five Selsey members then read papers on the progress made in travel in the century. Each paper dealt with some different mode of travel. Mrs. Knight read on travelling by train, Mrs. Maidment on cycling. Miss Halsted on aircraft, Mrs. White on motoring, and Mrs. Bailey on water. These papers were both amusing and instructive and the other members showed by their applause how much they were enjoyed. After tea the country dancing class, under Miss Maidment gave an interesting display, A Morris jig, by Miss Maidment and Miss Rawlinson, was especially appreciated. There was a competition for the best cottage posy, eleven members entered, the prize being won by Mrs. Lamb. The President announced that a whist drive for Institute funds would be held on September 18th.

Last updated: Oct 13, 2023

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