Concert – Chichester Observer – Wednesday, 19 May 1926

The Minstrels. What was voted generally to be one of the finest entertainments that the residents have had the pleasure of seeing lately, took place in the Pavilion on Thursday evening last, the performers being that popular band of gloom-dispellers, “The Selsey Minstrels," in conjunction with the Selsey Orchestra. There was a crowded “house", and all the items in a long and delightful programme were received enthusiastically, The numbers in the first half included several old favourites, Mr. W. Hollingdale rendering “Old Banjo" Mr L. The Maidment, "De Old Umbrella", Mr. J. Kite. “Old Virginny." Mr. S. Richard a ballad, “Song the Sea,” Mr. C. E. Smith, a laughable “Topical Song". Messrs. C. Dawes and G. Cox contributing “Old Kentucky Home," Mr. C. Foster “Paddlin’ Madeline Home,” concluding with a pleasing rendering by the troupe of that well-known song, "Shine, Shine, Moon.” The second half included several songs by Miss Gladys Laurence, and both these and her duets with Mr. Clifford Smith were highly appreciated. Messrs. A. Barron and C. Foster gave a clever “Musical Medley." while a thoroughly amusing turn was that given by three be-smocked comedians, Messrs. L. Maidment, C. Fidler and C. Dawes. The programme was brought to a conclusion by a merry performance by "Professor Vandoosleberry’s’’ Saveloy Orphans Band. All the artistes gave their services entirely free, and the whole of the proceeds are being devoted to charity.

Last updated: Nov 01, 2023

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