Selsey Pavilion Archives: 1920-1929
SELSEY. A HANDCRAFT EXHIBITION, under distinguished patronage, will be held in the Pavilion, Selsey. Tuesday to Friday August 16th, 17th. 18th. and 19th. inclusive. Handcraft workers are invited to send exhibits. Special terms to Women's Institutes and small exhibitors. Entry forms and all information from the Hon. Organiser, Miss M. Sterling-O’Reilly, The Bushes, Selsey, Chichester. Patrons: The Rt. Rev. the Lord Bishop of Chichester, the Rt. Rev. Bishop Twitchell, D.D. (Rector of Selsey), Sir Harry Brittain, C.U.G., K.B.E., LL.D., M.P., Lady Brittain, Brigadier General Ewbank, C. B., C.I.E., Mrs. W. L. Courtney, O.B. E., J.P.. Wilhelmina Stitch.