Charity Dance – Chichester Observer – Wednesday, 18 August 1926

Treloar Dance-The sixth annual dance, in aid of the Treloar Home for cripples, held in the Pavilion on Friday last, proved an unprecedented success. When I say that in an interview with Mrs. P. C. Barford, the extremely competent and energetic organiser of these annual dances, I was told that so many tickets, at 7s. 6d. each, had been sold prior to the evening of the dance, that for the comfort of the dancers, to avoid overcrowding, the list had to be closed down, it will be readily understood that the phrase, "unprecedented success'' was no idle catch phrase. Selsey, of course, now has a lot of its own to support at the home, and right well it is doing so, under the capable direction of Mrs. Barford. This lady allows no "slacking," and her methods of organisation might prove a fine basis for other benevolent institutions to follow. During my interview she told me that it had always been her opinion that by for too much of the profits were swallowed by the expenses. Mrs. Barford intimated that she was not satisfied with the mere selling of a ticket, it was her idea to raise a subscription as well, and, of course, it people did not dance or were unable to be present, it was all the more reason why they should give something towards the subscription. Taking a glance at the subscription list (which, by the length, it paid an eloquent testimony to Mrs. Barford's powers of persuasion), I saw amounts varying from 5s. to £5. I was still further astounded at this lady’s resource when she asked if, through the medium of the notes, I would thank, on behalf of herself and the home, the florists for their gifts of flowers which enabled the Pavilion to be decorated with a beautiful scheme of gladioli, and to the various Selsey tradesmen who rallied round so splendidly with the refreshments. A special mention most be made of Mr. Phipps, the proprietor of the Pavilion, who has this year, as in the past, been extremely generous in his concessions with regard to the hire of the Pavilion. It a well-known fact that "The proof the pudding is in the eating,” and it is worthy of note when speaking of the enjoyment or the patrons of these dances, that everybody who attended the first of the Treloar dances has, without exception, attended them each year in succession. There were many prizes distributed throughout the evening, all made by the cripples. In offering Mrs. Barford my heartiest congratulations, I am sure I echo the wish of all Selsey.

Last updated: Nov 01, 2023

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