Selsey Pavilion Archives: 1930-1939
LADY LEGION MEMBERS—At a recent meeting of the Selsey Branch of the British Legion, it was decided to assist in the formation of a Women's Branch in Selsey. A meeting was called at the Pavilion on Thursday (12th inst.), when many members of the Men's Branch, together with a good many ladies eligible for the new branch were present. Captain C. M. Luck, C.M.G., R.N., was elected as chairman of the meeting, and Mrs. Wilson Hall (County Representative) from Eastbourne, ably explained the aims and objects of the women's section. The proposal to form the Women's Branch was carried unanimously, and the following were elected as the officers and committee: Chairman, Miss A. M. Hillman; Secretary, Mrs. O. Bryan; Treasurer, Miss A. Harris; Committee, Mesdames Dudeney, Godel, Lamb, Long, Simpson, Thomas, and Vince.