Film Preview – Bognor Regis Observer – Saturday, 22 August 1953

PAVILION, SELSEY. "ROAD TO BALI." the sixth of the popular "Road" series, comes to the Pavilion, Selsey to-morrow (Sunday) for four days. The story concerns two second-rate variety artists played by Bing Crosby and Bob Hope who flee to Australia to avoid weddings. They arrive broke and hungry at Port Darwin where they meet an unscrupulous South Sea island prince, portrayed by Murvyn Vye. by the fact that packed houses are the rule at each performance. who hires them to dive for treasure off an island somewhere on the road to Bali. The shady character conveniently forgets to mention that all other divers who have attempted to get the treasure have been strangled by a giant squid. "THE SOUND BARRIER" must surely be among the best ten British films made since the war. The story concerns an aircraft manufacturer (Ralph Richardson ) who devotes his own life and jeopardizes the lives of others to produce the first jet plane to pass through the sound barrier. Once an aircraft capable of super-sonic flight had been built, the problem of piloting it arose for nobody knew how the controls would react at that great speed. In the film. the dangerous task of solving the pilot's difficulties is given to a brilliant ex-R.A.F. pilot portrayed by Nigel Patrick. Each time a test flight is made, the pilot's wife (Ann Todd) cannot drive from her mind the thought of the terrible risks her husband is taking. What is worse she is the daughter of the aircraft manufacturer who seems to care nothing of other people's safety and who can see nothing but his vision of flying faster than sound.

Last updated: Oct 13, 2023

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