Women's Institute-Chichester Observer- Wednesday 18 may 1921

Women’s Institute Formed. At the invitation of the Rector, the Rev. K. H. MacDermott, who organized the gathering, Selsey’s oldest inhabitant, Mrs. Ann Little [see previous article re Granny Willis], who is 90 years of age, occupied the chair at a meeting held in the Pavilion on Tuesday of last week to inaugurate a women’s institute in the village. Interesting addresses, explaining the aims and objects of the movement and its great sphere of usefulness were delivered by Lady Rosemary Portal, of Hampshire, and the Hon. Mrs. Colvin (Chairman the West Sussex Federation of Women’s Institutes). Many questions were asked, and arising out of enquiry concerning tea at the meetings the Rector, who was on the platform, said he would like to point out that tea was the least important part of the proceedings. It consisted of nothing less than a cup of tea and a couple of buns - (laughter) - and they should not be led away with the idea that it was anything in the nature of a tea fight. (Laughter.) He added that he had been to a number of the meetings himself and knew the most important thing was the interesting programme. Mrs. Colvin said she could not agree with the Rector. Although the tea really only consisted of a cup of tea and a couple of buns, still she disagreed with his opinion, and did think it was an important part of the meeting. (Laughter.) The tea interval was a time when they could talk and get to know each other, and have a nice little social time together. The audience and their aged Chairman took keen interest in the meeting, and of the 120 ladies present 97 put up their hands in favour of starting a local institute. The meeting then proceeded with the business of electing a Committee.

Last updated: Mar 06, 2024

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