Ex-servicemen Dinner – Chichester Observer – Wednesday, 10 September 1919

ENTERTAINED TO DINNER. SELSEY EX-SERVICE MEN. The ex-service men of Selsey were provided with an excellent dinner and concert on Wednesday evening. The dinner was held in the Cinema Hall and was attended by about 170 men, who had their wants looked after by willing band of helpers. The hall was prettily decorated with flags and at one end of the hall a large flag bore the words. "Welcome home to our soldiers and sailors." The string band, under the direction of Mjr. P. E. H. Lewis, of Chichester, took up its place on the platform, which was decorated with flowers, and played some pleasing selections during the dinner. The tables looked very pretty, and each man was provided with tastefully printed menu card, on which were printed: Salmon and Cucumber; Hot Joints Mutton, Beef or Pork; Vegetables; Apple tart and Custard; Cheese. Cider. Smokes, Mineral Waters. 4th August, 1914 —28th June, 1919. The inhabitants of Selsey offer you a hearty welcome home and thank you for having done your share towards obtaining the Great Victory.’ “God Save the King.” After dinner Admiral Sir George Patey proposed the toast “The King.” He said : Gentlemen, comrades all, I have the honour to toast His Majesty the King, I am aware that no words mine are necessary to bring this to your notice, for, all over the world, wherever Britain’s heroes are gathered together, this toast is received with great enthusiasm. No man has worked harder than his Majesty, and had he not been King of England, he would have won great distinction during this war as a sailor. His Majesty has gone to Scotland, the first holiday for five years. We wish him health and happiness. (Cheers). The National Anthem was heartily sung. The Rev. K. H. MacDermott (Vicar) then submitted “Absent Comrades.” —‘‘Dear fellow comrades” he said, "I have the pleasure proposing this which I wish to divide into two. (1) Those who are absent, because of being on active service.. We sent invitations to all—from east to west, to North Russia, and as far as Constantinople; so that they should not feel that they were forgotten. We all think of them. I have had many letters from men unable to come, they are still engaged in noble work for our country. There are also a number in Selsey, but in some way, unable to come, so I ask you to think also of them; (2) —Those who are absent because the God of Battles has seen fit to call them from this life, to a better one; they laid down their lives for King and country. Selsey has given its tribute in that way very liberally, 300 men went out on active service, 50 of them made the great sacrifice, they can never return, hut their names can never perish. Their names are graven on our hearts, we thank them and honour them, they have given up all for the sake of King and country." The toast was responded to by all standing, and in silence. Major Leith, on behalf of the men present, expressed thanks for the excellent dinner which the inhabitants of Selsey had given them, and paid a tribute to the splendid manner in which the two Committees under Mrs. MacDermott and Dr. Humphreys had carried out the arrangements, and to the able assistance rendered by the ladies and gentlemen helping them. Dr. Humphreys, in reply, said what they had done had only been labour of love, a very small thing for them to do for those who had risked their lives for them. Mrs. MacDermott also suitably replied behalf of the ladies. A concert then followed, which was greatly enjoyed, many of the men contributing to the musical items, Mr. Fisher being responsible for the programme, which comprised solos by the Cinema artistes, Mr. Barran, Mr. Mant, Mr. J. Wilkins (tenor) and Mr. J. MacDermott.

Last updated: Oct 12, 2023

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