Selsey Pavilion Archives: 1930-1939
Dismal Weather The town has presented nothing this week except a deplorable desolation and the election of the Carnival Queen. The latter event, at the time of writing, seems destined to take place, as it did last year, in the pouring rain. This matters very much for the potential Queens, who have to make the journey the Pavilion; but the patrons of that excellent establishment will not have been unduly perturbed. Praise. The Rev. Stockman has written in praise of the Selsey Follies, which be describes capable of lifting the depression which has surrounded Selsey of late. He thinks it would be difficult to find anywhere in England, in so small a town, a party of such capable and uplifting talent. l am glad to hear it, and I have heard the same from other sources. Before the show opened we gave a resume of the artists and their style of performance, and this wholesale praise from all quarters can only convince us that this is a show to be seen.