Film Preview – Bognor Regis Observer – Saturday, 23 August 1952

PAVILION, SELSEY. "VALLEY OF EAGLES," a gripping and intensely moving up-to-date headline story of a Stockholm research scientist, whose attractive but neglected wife disappears with an assistant, taking with them the essential component parts of some newly developed electronic apparatus, comes to the Pavilion, Selsey, for the first part of next week. The young couple take this secret weapon, the industrial and war potential of which is incalculable. through Sweden to the far north and across the sub-Arctic wastes. The couple pursue their hazardous journey closely followed by the scientist and a Swedish police inspector, who have enlisted the aid of a band of Laplanders to assist them track down their quarry. Against the panoramic background of the frozen north, the story of "Valley of Eagles" unfolds in a series of exciting sequences which build up to a good climax. For the remainder of the week, music, laughs and colour served up in a slick manner are the ingredients of "HAPPY GO LOVELY," starring Vera-Ellen, David Niven and Cesar Romero. David Niven, as a successful business-man, becomes involved with a musical revue and finds romance with the show's dancing star, Vera-Ellen. Cesar Romero plays a fast-talking wise-cracking American theatrical producer, supremely confident that he can stage a "Gorgeous Musical with Glamorous Girls" in the stately city of Edinburgh during the annual festival of music and drama.

Last updated: Nov 09, 2023

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