British Legion Whist Drive-Chichester Observer-Wednesday 26 November 1930

RECORD DRIVE AT SELSEY. Under the auspices of the Selsey branch of the British Legion, a whist drive was held in the Selsey Pavilion on Thursday, when the record number of 69 tables were in play - this despite very inclement weather. The Committee, which comprised Major R. J. Lamb (Chairman), Messrs. C. Phillips, H. V. Dudeney, P. Simpson, C. E. Vince, G. H. Cox, A. Cole, J. Sparshot, and R. Withers, were responsible for the flawless arrangements, and to them the praise due. There were many kind donors of prizes, including Mr. Armstead, who gave a series of prizes for the lowest scores. Mrs. Simpson, Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Vince. Mrs. Lamb and Mrs. Godley were responsible for the efficient catering, refreshments being provided by the Selsey Women's Institute. At the interval. Major Lamb thanked all the donors of the prizes, the Women’s Institute and all those present who had attended upon such a wretched night. Mr, F. Simpson was the able M.C. and Mrs. Matthew kindly presented the prizes to the following ladies: Mrs. M. Homer, Miss Squibb, Miss E. Terry, Mrs. P. Kennett, Miss J. Langford, Mrs. Hopkins; Mrs. Pares, Mrs. Moon, Miss Botting, Mrs. Butcher, Mrs. Phipps and Miss E. Harman. Gentlemen: R. Lelliot, A. C. Wingham, A. Bancroft, C Morey, F Ridley, D Hunnisett, D Willis, F Marshall, G Ellis, F Davis, B Sayers, and E. Homer, Lowest ladies: Mrs. Mitchell, Mrs. Madgwick, Miss O. .Simpson and Mrs. Chapman. Gentlemen: A. Kite, C. Page, W. Head, and R. Sayers. The proceeds, amounting to about £20, will be devoted to branch funds.

Last updated: Mar 06, 2024

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