Boxing – Bognor Regis Observer – Wednesday, 06 October 1937

SELSEY BOXING TOURNEY. TWO KNOCK-OUTS FOR F.C. GROUND FUND. Many hard blows were exchanged without any bad feeling at a boxing tournament held at the Selsey Pavilion, on Friday, in aid of the Selsey Football Club ground fund, which benefited well, for all the boxers and officials turned up free of charge to the Club, and the house was packed for the event. After a few words to the audience, the M.C., Mr. E. J. Francis, announced Eddie Steele, a heavyweight who had once conquered Tommy Farr, and who is now in strict training for his fight with the heavyweight champion of Europe at Berlin. Steele commenced by giving a display of skipping, then shadow boxing, work with the concentration ball, and lastly a spar with his trainer, Syd Imber. The first fight was between F. Sherrington, of Selsey, and C. Homer, of Selsey. Both fought equally well, the fight going at a fast pace all the way through. In the third round both strove for a knock-out, attacking each other vigorously. The fourth round raged even fiercer, but neither could beat the other, and the result was announced a draw. Walworth v. Carshalton The second fight took place between J. Murphy, of Walworth, and C. Warren, of Carshalton, and lasted for six rounds of two minutes. During the first round there was a good deal of dancing round, neither being quite sure of the other’s capabilities. In the second round both went in full of confidence, and a fierce battle ensued, Warren taking many body blows. In the third round, Warren slipped and fell, but was instantly on his feet again. The fight went on fairly equally to the end, when Murphy was announced the winner on points. Knock-outs In the first round of the fight between G. Harris, of Bethnal Green, and B. Hawking, of Bermondsey, Harris was knocked to the floor for the count, after a blow in the eye. Selsey was beaten by Carshalton when “Bunny” Abery met B. Warren. They both went into the ring full of confidence, and went straight at each other in vigorous manner. Near the end of the first round, Warren barked Abery’s chest, and early in the second round, “Bunny” was knocked out for the count. He made a very plucky attempt to rise, but was just too late. J. Maynard, of Deptford, and McDougal, of Bermondsey, gave an exhibition of good clean boxing. At the end of the third round, Maynard was sent down for five, but was up again, carrying on bravely. McDougal was announced the winner.

Last updated: Oct 30, 2023

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