Film Preview – Bognor Regis Observer – Saturday, 28 June 1952

PAVILION, SELSEY. PROBABLY the most talented company ever assembled for the production of a motion picture is responsible for a brilliant comedy-drama of the theatre. No fewer than ten winners of an Academy Award were associated in bringing to the screen "ALL ABOUT EVE," a 20th Century-Fox film which is showing at the Pavilion, Selsey for the first three days next week. Produced by Hollywood's most successful producer, Darryl P. Zanuck, " All About Eve " was directed by Joseph L. Mankiewicz who won two Academy Awards for the writing and direction of "A Letter to Three Wives." Starring in the film are Bette Davis, who has twice won an Oscar; Anne Baxter, herself an Academy Award winner; George Sanders and Celeste Holm, who has also been honoured with an Academy Award. With its action set on the Broadway stage, the film tells how Eve, an ambitious young stage-struck girl, ruthlessly fights and claws her way to the top of her profession. For the second half of the week, "THE LEMON DROP KID," starring Bob Hope, Marilyn Maxwell, Lloyd Nolan and Jane Darwell, is a comedy attraction with "WATERFRONT AT MIDNIGHT." In the best Bob Hope traditions of laughter and song, "The Lemon Drop Kid" tells the story of a slick Broadway character by the same name who lives by his wits, rather unsuccessfully, as a race-track tout. He finds himself owing a tough racketeer 10,000 dollars, or his life, and the desperate means by which he tries to find the money, including street soliciting in a Santa Claus outfit and a plan for an old folk's home, make hilarious entertainment.

Last updated: Nov 09, 2023

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